Cindy Bernard and Joseph Hammer, projections+sound, Goldman-Tevis Gallery, Los Angeles, March 17, 2001
Inspired by the iconic representation of such landscapes as the desert images portrayed in the the films of John Ford and the magical woods often visualized in the books of the Brothers Grimm, this psychedelic Bonnie and Clyde combine their talents to create a unique performance experience of light and sound. They are on a cerebral quest, seeking memory associations with physical places as induced through exposure to color and aural cues. Abstract in thought, the physical experience is spell binding: Cindy projects color and light upon a scrim while Joseph creates relational aural montages from a variety of vintage magnetic-audio gear including modified oscillators and reel-to-reel tape loops… – Gabie Strong, New Times, July, 1999
Cindy Bernard and Joseph Hammer, installation version of projections+sound, Visual Music, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, 2005
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