Studio visit with Howard Smith, NY, July 2016
On my recent trip to NY, I spent my first night on my good friend Mike Smith’s couch (long story). On the wall beside me were...
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Los Angeles Gallery Crawl, December 2015
Whatever caught my eye, for all sorts of reasons, in no particular order.
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New York Gallery Crawl, November 2015
Whatever caught my eye, for all sorts of reasons, in no particular order. Although I was really taken with Alvin Baltrop’s work….so a bit more...
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Charles Curtis at the Schindler House
I was at UVA in Charlottesville for Charles Curtis’ last SASSAS appearance so I made sure to be in town for this one. So good...
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Chantal Akerman
From the NYT obit: Mr. Mazzanti recalled asking Ms. Akerman how she had edited “Hotel Monterey,” a silent film about a Lower Manhattan hotel that...
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Noah Purifoy at LACMA
It’s a great show – closes tomorrow (Sunday, September 27). You have to see it. But for me, seeing the work torn from the desert...
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Agnes Martin and enlightenment
You sort of underestimate the human being when you say that every least thing that is an abstract experience is spiritual. It isn’t. It’s just...
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